Wrap Up|| December.


Today I am sharing my December wrap up. December was a busy and weird month for me. I tried to get into the Christmas spirit by reading and listening to Christmas books, but honestly, this month didn’t feel that Christmassy. I guess maybe because my family and I celebrated Christmas together the first week of December and after that it felt like Christmas was over. I also got some not so great health news from my doctor (nothing super serious just changes I need to make with my eating habits before it becomes serious), so that took away me being able to eat all the fun holiday treats and stuff. It was honestly just a depressing month with so many different things happening and it made it hard for me to focus on reading. I read one book myself this month, which took the entire month to read (finished it on December 30 or 31) and the others were audiobooks. You can find a full list of the books that I read in December and the other books I read throughout 2021 over here. All will be linked to Goodreads below and I will also link to individual blog posts for them if I did a review. Here are the books that I read and listened to in December...

Print/E-Book Books:
These are the books that I read myself (not audiobooks) throughout the month of December.


All I Want for Christmas by Wendy Loggia – 3 out of 5 stars

All I Want for Christmas was the only book that I read myself in December. I was really hoping to read more and had even bought some new Christmas books, but it just didn’t happen. This book though, it was cute and I enjoyed it. It didn’t blow me away or anything, but that’s probably because I really didn’t have that much Christmas spirit this year anyway and halfway through the book I just wanted to be done with Christmas. I did like it though and thought it was cute.

These are the books that I listened to the audio version throughout the month of December.

If the Fates Allow by Rainbow Rowell – 3 out of 5 stars
Oh. What. Fun. by Chandler Baker – 4 out of 5 stars
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens – 4 out of 5 stars
Nothing But Blackened Teeth by Cassandra Khaw – 1 out of 5 stars

If the Fates Allow and Oh. What. Fun. are both short stories and they were pretty good for what they are. Nothing that really blew me away, but I still liked them. I liked Oh. What. Fun. a little more than If the Fates Allow. I feel like If the Fates Allow was a little boring at times, but it was basically the topic of COVID/social distancing and honestly I am SICK of COVID ughhh. The husband and I usually watch A Christmas Carol movie, but I actually never read the book, so I decided to listen to the audiobook while I worked on diamond paintings and I really enjoyed it. I knew I would since I like the movie. I was looking for something quick to read and my library had Nothing But Blackened Teeth available and I was able to finish it within a few hours. Honestly….it sucked. It was boring. Half the time I didn’t even know what was going on. It was a huge let down, because I was really looking forward to reading it.

What books did you read in December? Have you read any of the books that I read? Feel free to link me to your wrap up post, so I can check it out!

I’ll have my reading goals for 2022 posted soon as well as an end of the year wrap up for 2021. I’m currently working on both of those posts and can’t wait to share them! Once I get all of those drafted and ready to post I plan to do some blog hopping to catch up with you and reply to comments, so that will probably be in the next couple days. 🙂

In case you missed it;
Book Haul|| December.

I hope you have a great day!

10 thoughts on “Wrap Up|| December.

  1. Pingback: 2021 Year in Books. | socially awkward bookworm.

  2. Pingback: 2022 Reading Goals. | socially awkward bookworm.

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