WWW Wednesday #61.


WWW Wednesday is a weekly MEME hosted by Taking on a World of Words. Simply answer the following questions. 🙂

The three Ws are:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

*All books linked to Goodreads below.


I am really happy with my progress that I’ve been making this month. It’s steady, which is great. I could probably read more, but I like the pace I am going this month. I am reading the books that I need to read, writing my reviews, and actually enjoying them. I am also finding time to do other things like catch up with my LONG list of shows that I’ve recorded throughout the last few weeks. So that’s really awesome!

And speaking of shows, the hubby & I watched the entire season (only six episodes) of After Life on Netflix in one day and OMG that show is everything. We were both pretty much crying every single episode, haha. It was so damn good and I really hope there is another season. I love the shows that Ricky Gervais creates/stars in. I thought we were going into this really funny comedy show and I was so wrong. While it was still had so many laugh out loud moments, there were also so many that were sad and had us crying. I definitely recommend checking it out. Anyway, here are the books that I’ve been reading and hope to read next.

Currently Reading:


We Contain Multitudes by Sarah Henstra
Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi

I am currently reading my ARC of We Contain Multitudes and listening to the audiobook of Children and Blood and Bone. I am so in love with We Contain Multitudes so far. It’s told completely in letters between the two main characters, which I really love. I was sucked in from the minute I started the book. I could have had this finished the day I started it, but I don’t want it to end so I keep reading it really slow. I’ve owned Children of Blood and Bone since it released last year, but I seen that the library had the audiobook available so I decided to check it out. I hope I love it, because that cover for the sequel is amazing and I want to own it HAHA. 😛 So far it’s interesting though and I’m enjoying it. I’m a little over 100 pages into it.

Recently Finished:


Somewhere Only We Know by Maurene Goo
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkin Reid

I recently finished Somewhere Only We Know and The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. Somewhere Only We Know was such a fun and cute read. I really enjoyed that one. I’ll link my review at the end of this post if you want to check it out. I liked Evelyn Hugo, but I sadly didn’t love it. It was still good though and I’m glad I read it. I actually listened to the audiobook and the audiobook version was really great. The story itself just didn’t pull me in completely and I didn’t fall in love with it like I hoped I would and like I did with Daisy Jones & the Six.

Reading Next:


Going Off Script by Jen Wilde

Up next is another May ARC (Going Off Script), which I am really excited for. I also have about five audiobooks checked out at the library right now, so I will most likely start one of those once I finish the Children of Blood and Bone audiobook. I’m not sure which one I’ll listen to next, but my choices are Red Rising, Exit West, Since We Fell, The Last Mrs. Parish, and The Bear and the Nightingale. Have you read any of these? If so, which do you recommend?

What are you currently reading? Recently finished? Reading next? Have you read any of these books? Feel free to link me to your posts, so I can check them out!

In case you missed it;
Review|| Somewhere Only We Know.
Tag|| This or That.
WWW Wednesday #60.

I hope you have a great day!


27 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday #61.

  1. Oooh, After Life sounds really good! I usually go out of my way to watch Ricky Gervais, but this one sounded really sad, which means I basically have to find time to watch it on my own since no one else in my house wants to see it, and that’s sometimes hard to do. I’ll have to put in some more effort to see it, though, because it sounds like it was worth it.

    I definitely need to read We Contain Multitudes! So glad to hear you’re enjoying it. I agree that the cover for the CoBaB sequel is STUNNING. I just want a poster of it, if I’m honest. xD

    Here’s my WWW post.

    • After Life was a lot sadder than I ever thought it was going to be! It was so good though. There’s only six episodes in the season and each one is only about 30 minutes each, so at least that might help you to find a little time to watch it since no one else in your house wants to see it. I definitely recommend checking it out if you can. I really hope you get to read We Contain Multitudes soon. It’s so good and I don’t want it to end. I probably could have finished it days ago, but I keep dragging it out because I don’t want it to end haha.

  2. I wish you’d liked Evelyn more, but it’s hard to follow up with anything after Daisy!! Such a good book. If I watched any tv, I wouldn’t get any reading done. I got sucked into reruns with my husband last night and didn’t read at all. I get so mad at myself when that happens!! Lol.

    • I think if I would have read Evelyn Hugo before Daisy Jones than I would have liked it a lot more. I’m still glad I read it though. I have to divide my time between reading and TV, because there’s so many shows that I love to watch. Luckily I have a DVR, so I just record all my shows and get to them eventually when I’m not in the mood to read. It’s so easy to get sucked into TV shows though! Sometimes I get mad at myself too if I go too long without reading, lol!

  3. Pingback: Book Tag||Book Addiction. | socially awkward bookworm.

  4. I’ve been so interested in reading “Children of Blood and Bone.” I’ve heard a lot of hype about it. Do you think it’s as good as everyone makes it out to be?

  5. I hope you will enjoy Children Of Blood And Bone! You’ve reminded me I still need to get a copy of the sequel. 😉 Have a wonderful weekend! xx

  6. Pingback: Review|| We Contain Multitudes. | socially awkward bookworm.

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