WWW Wednesday #54.


WWW Wednesday is a weekly MEME hosted by Taking on a World of Words. Simply answer the following questions. 🙂

The three Ws are:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

*Goodreads linked below.


I actually read quite a few books over the last couple of weeks even with going days without reading anything. I was also able to complete my Goodreads challenge last week, so that was exciting. I’m going to just jump right into what I’ve been reading and the ones I hope to read really soon.

Currently Reading:


Shadow of the Fox by Julie Kagawa
Sadie by Courtney Summers

I like to read a physical book and an e-book at the same time, because I don’t always bring my physical books around with me, so I am currently reading Shadow of the Fox and Sadie. I am BEYOND stoked to be reading Shadow of the Fox, because you all probably know that the Talon series is one of my all-time favorites and Julie Kagawa is EVERYTHING. I am also really excited about Sadie too, because I’ve heard so many great things about it and I am really hoping it lives up to all the hype. I just started these both, so I don’t have any real opinions yet, but so far they are both really interesting and i’m excited to continue reading.

Recently Finished:


Always and Forever, Lara Jean by Jenny Han
The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom
Not Even Bones by Rebecca Shaeffer

I finished off the To All the Boys series by reading Always and Forever, Lara Jean. I actually finished that book pretty quickly (two days). It was pretty good and a good ending to the series. I will say though, there were some characters (Kitty, for example) that I really liked in the first book that ended up annoying me so much by the end of the series. She bugged me in book two and by book three I couldn’t stand her anymore. I reread (well listened) The Five People You Meet in Heaven, because I am hoping to read the sequel really soon and I am STOKED! I just finished Not Even Bones yesterday and OMG it was fantastic! I’ll have my review posted either later today or tomorrow, so be on the look out!

Reading Next:


The War Outside by Monica Hesse
Dear Evan Hansen by Val Emmich

I had Dear Evan Hansen on a previous list, but I haven’t gotten around to it yet. Hopefully really soon. I am really looking forward to it, just haven’t had the chance to actually get to it yet. The War Outside is releasing next week, so I hope to get to this one really soon as well. I read Monica Hesse’s other book The Girl in the Blue Coat and loved it, so I am stoked to read her new book.

What are you currently reading? Recently finished? Reading next? Have you read any of these books? Feel free to link me to your posts, so I can check them out!

In case you missed it;
Travel || Road Trip to Illinois.

I hope you have a great day!


19 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday #54.

    • I adore Julie Kagawa too! I’m about 40 pages into Shadow of the Fox and it’s pretty good so far. I even went right to Amazon to pre-order a finished copy, haha. 😛
      I am so excited for the sequel to The Five People You Meet in Heaven too. It’s such a great book and I can’t wait to see what happens in the sequel. I hope we both love it!

  1. I too try to read a physical and ebook (also and audiobook) at the same time. That way I am always covered no matter where I am – work, home, out and about. How are you liking Sadie? I’ve heard a lot about that one lately. I’m hoping to start the Jenny Han series soon. Glad to see you thought it was a good ending. I also took a look at your Illinois trip. I was born in Iowa and grew up in Wisconsin, so your pics just felt like home to me. Here is my WWW post: https://greatmorrisonmigration.wordpress.com/2018/09/19/www-wednesdays-september-19-2018/

    • I like to listen to audiobooks as well. Usually when I’m working since I do a lot of mindless tasks at work, haha. So far Sadie is pretty interesting. I hope you enjoy the Jenny Han series! 🙂 I have a friend that lives in Iowa and whenever he posts pictures on Facebook it reminds me of Illinois. Guess they are both a pretty similar place!

  2. Pingback: Thoughts|| Not Even Bones. | socially awkward bookworm.

  3. Oh I hope you will love Sadie, Ashley! I’ve heard only great things about this book. I’m not sure I’ll read it myself because of all the trigger warnings, but I hope you’ll love it 🙂
    Happy reading!! 😀

  4. Congrats on finishing your Goodreads goal! I’ve heard so many great things about Sadie… And I can’t wait for The Shadow Of The Fox to come out. Have a wonderful week and happy reading!

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